Bienvenido a casa
Tu Iglesia
Let us pray
  • Welcome to Holy Family
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray For Us
  • A place to pray


Welcome all

Holy Family Roman Catholic Church serves the needs of the English and Spanish speaking communities in East Las Vegas, Nevada, near Sam's Town and the East Side Cannery. We offer masses in English and Spanish. We serve Roman Catholics, but all are welcome. Come check out what we have to offer. All are welcome!  ¡Bienvenidos sean todos!


  • Additional Spanish mass on Sundays

    Agregaremos en el  horario la misa de 7 p.m. los domingos en español a partir del 1 de septiembre. La nueva misa aliviará el hacinamiento causado por otras misas y brindará a los feligreses que trabajan en la industria de servicios la oportunidad de adorar.


    We will be adding a 7 p.m. mass on Sundays in Spanish beginning Sept. 1. The new mass will alleviate overcrowding from other masses, and a give churchgoers who work in the service industry are opportunity to worship.

  • Catholic Stewardship Appeal

    The annual Catholic Stewardship Appeal has started.

    If you have not made a pledge please pick up a card in the vestibule of the church or chapel. 

    Some pointers: Fill out legibly with your name, address, phone number and email. The total amount you pledge goes on the top line, any amount you are including goes on second line and your balance due on the third line. 

    We ask that you pledge only what you are able to. Only fill in the credit/debit card area if you are paying by card. 

    Remember all payments after these weekends go directly to the archdiocese. We do not collect payments here.  

    All invoices will come monthly from the archiocese. If you have any questions or having trouble filling card please contact the office.